Sunday, March 16, 2014

Syllabus (Guidance and Counseling in ECED)


COURSE TITLE    : Guidance and Counseling in ECED
NO.OF UNITS     : Three (3)
NO. OF HOURS  : Fifty Four hours (54 hrs)


                The course focuses on the fundamentals of guidance and counseling and on its applications to the various facets of child growth and development.


At the end of the course the student should be able to:
1.       apply the philosophical and theoretical foundations of guidance,
2.       apply guidance techniques and approaches in developmentally appropriate ways,
3.       demonstrate skills in building relationships with and among  children and parents,
4.       demonstrate knowledge of the role and importance of the school administration, the parents, and the community in the holistic development of children, and
5.       select and appraise tests, measurements and evaluation use with young children.


1. Introduction
                1.1. Differences and similarities between guidance and counseling
                1.2. The need for guidance

2. Counseling approaches
                2.1. Cognitive approach
                2.2. Psychoanalytic approach
                2.3. Adlerian approach
                2.4. Person-centered approach
                2.5. Gestalt approach

3. Guidance program models
                3.1. Gysber’s model
                3.2. Myrick’s model
                3.3. Purkey’s model

4. Child Self-esteem and self-concept
                4.1. Definition of self-esteem and self-concept
                4.2. Signs of healthy and unhealthy self-esteem
                4.3. How to foster healthy self-esteem in the child

4. Discipline and emotional control
                4.1. Four parts of discipline
                4.2. Children’s Emotional control and relative immaturity
                4.3. Addressing common inappropriate behavior without disciplining

5. Discipline and fostering cooperation
                5.1. Strategies in fostering cooperation
                5.2. Using the most appropriate strategy for specific situations

6. Handling tantrums, fussing and whining and other “problem” behaviors

7. The teacher and his/her anger
                7.1 Description and levels of anger
                7.2. Reasons of getting angry with children
                7.3. Consequences of anger
                7.4. Managing anger

8. The family and its dynamics
                8.1. Influence on the child behavior and development
                8.2. Appropriate communications towards the child’s family
                8.3. Helping children cope with family issues

9. Some pointers in facilitating different subjects to preschoolers.
10. Program evaluation, and selecting and using test measurement with young children
                10.1. Importance of program evaluation
                10.2. Factors and issues to be considered in selecting and using test

                1. Lecture Discussion
                2. Cooperative Learning
                3. Discovery Learning
                4. Demonstration
                5. Behavioral Analysis/Assessment

                1. Long Quiz/Short Quiz                                                 15 %
                2. Recitation/Activities/Participation                       25%
                3. Project                                                                             10%
                4. Assignment                                                                   10%
                5. Major Examinations                                                   40%
                                                                                Total                   100%


1. Attendance (At least 80% of the total number of hours of sessions)
2. Short and Long Quizzes
3. Major Examinations
4. Classroom Activities (Paper and Pencil and Participatory Activities)
5. Activity Portfolio
6. Assignments/Reaction Papers
7. Oral/Written report

Ambida-Cinco, L. (2008).  Guidance and counseling in schools. Mandaluyong City: National Bookstore.
Kochar-Bryant, C. A. (2008). Collaboration and system coordination for students with special needs; from early childhood to the post secondary years. New Jeearsey: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Couwenhoven, T. (2007)). Teaching children with down syndrome about their bodies, boundaries , and sexuality: a guide for parents and professionals. USA: Woodbine House, Inc.
La Porte Community School Corporation. (2007). Elementary counseling and guidance program.

Pantly, Elizabeth. (2011). The no-cry discipline solution. Philippines: McGraw-hill Education (Asia).

Plotnik, R. & Kouyoumdjian, H. (2009). Introduction to psychology. Phil ed. Singapore: Cengage Learning, Inc.

Templar, R. (2008). The rules of parenting. Great Britain: Pearson Education Limited.

Tria, E.G., Limpingco, D.A. & Jao, L. (2008). Psychology of learning. Quezon City: Ken, Inc.

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