Sunday, March 16, 2014

Course Syllabus in Facilitating Learning


COURSE TITLE    : Facilitating Learning
NO.OF UNITS     : Three (3)
NO. OF HOURS  : Fifty Four hours (54 hrs)


                The course is an introduction to psychological theories and principles as applied to the teaching and learning process. It focuses on individual capacities and motivations in the context of the Philippine educational system.


At the end of the course the student should be able to:
1.       describe the ways by which students differ;
2.       identify the different factors that motivates learners;
3.       discuss and differentiate the different learning theories as applied to classroom situations;
4.       identify and differentiate direct and indirect assessment; and
5.       analyze classroom situations and recommend appropriate teacher behavior.


1. Introduction
                1.1. Description of facilitating learning
                1.2. Traditional and nontraditional facilitation of learning
                1.3. Responsibilities of a facilitator of learning
2. Learning and diversity
                2.1. Learner diversity
                                2.1.1. Race and ethnicity
                                2.1.2. Culture
                                2.1.3. Religion
                                2.1.4. Socio economic status
                                2.1.5. Gender
                                2.1.6. Sexual orientation
                                2.1.7. Language
                                2.1.8. Abilities and Exceptionalities
                                2.1.9. Resilience
                2.2. Intelligence and learning style
                                2.2.1. Theory of Multiple Intelligence by Howard Gardner
                                2.2.2. Triarchic Theory of Intelligence by Robert Sternberg
                                2.2.3. Learning and thinking styles
                                2.2.4. Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman
                2.3. Learning and motivation
                                2.3.1. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
                                2.3.2. Attribution Theory
                                2.3.3. Self-Efficacy theory
                                2.3.4. Self-determination and Self-regulation Theories
                                2.3.5. Choice Theory
                                2.3.6. Hierarchy of Needs
                                2.3.7. Goal Theory
                2.4. Environmental Factors Affecting Motivation
                                2.4.1. Social Environment
                                2.4.2. Classroom Climate
                                2.4.3. Physical Environment
                                2.4.4. Direct and Indirect Assessment of Learning

3. Learning Theories
                3.1. Behaviorism
                                3.1.1. Connectionism Theory by Edward L. Thorndike
                                3.1.2. Classical Conditioning by Ivan Pavlov
                                3.1.3. Original Behaviorism by John B. Watson (Overview)
                                3.1.4. Practical Behaviorism by Edwin R. Guthrie (Overview)
                                3.1.4. Physical Behaviorism by Clark Hull (Overview)
                                3.1.5. Operant Conditioning by Bhurrus F. Skinner
                3.2. Neo-Behaviorism
                                3.2.1. Cognitive Behaviorism by Edward C. Tolman
                                3.2.2. Social Learning Theory by Albert Bandurra
                3.3. Cognitivism
                                3.3.1. Gestalt Psychology by Max Wertheimer, Wolfgang Kohler, Kurt Kofka
                                3.3.2. Information Processing Theory
                                3.3.3. Meaningful Verbal Learning/Subsumption Theory by David Ausubel
                                3.3.4. Conditions of Learning by Robert Gagné
                                3.3.5. Constructivism
                                       Constructivism by Jerome Bruner
                                       Theory of Cognitive Development by Jean Piaget
                                       Socio-cultural Theory by Lev Vygotsky
                                       Knowledge Construction and Concept Learning
                                3.3.6. Transfer of Learning
                                3.3.7. Taxonomy of Objectives by Benjamin Bloom
                                3.3.8. Problem Solving
                                3.3.9. Creativity
                                       Flow Theory of Creativity by Mihály Csíkszentmihályi (Overview)
                                       Criteria of Creativity by Edward Paul Torrance
                3.4. Other Learning Theories (optional)
                                3.4.1. Theory of Andragogy by Malcolm Knowles
                                3.4.2. Situated Learning Theory by Jean Lave

4. Learning and Development
                4.1. Psychosocial Theory of Intelligence by Erik Erikson
                4.2. Psychoanalytic Theory by Sigmund Freud
                4.3. Moral Development Theory by Lawrence Kohlberg
                4.4. Bioecological Theory by Urie Bronfenbrenner

5. Fourteen Learner-Centered Psychological Principles
                5.1. Cognitive and metacognitive factors
                5.2. Motivational and affective factors
                5.3. Developmental and social factors
                5.4. Individual differences factors

                1. Lecture Discussion
                2. Cooperative Learning
                3. Discovery Learning
                4. Demonstration
                5. Behavioral Analysis/Assessment

                1. Long Quiz/Short Quiz                                                 15 %
                2. Recitation/Activities/Participation                       25%
                3. Project                                                                             10%
                4. Assignment                                                                   10%
                5. Major Examinations                                                   40%
                                                                                Total                   100%


1. Attendance (At least 80% of the total number of hours of sessions)
2. Short and Long Quizzes
3. Major Examinations
4. Classroom Activities (Paper and Pencil and Participatory Activities)
5. Activity Portfolio
6. Assignments/Reaction Papers
7. Oral/Written reports

Academy of Orton-Gillingham Practitioners and Educators. (2011). Orton-Gillingham approach. [Retrieved: November 07, 2011].
Corpuz, B.B. & Lucas, M.R.D. (2007). Facilitating learning: A metacognitive process. Cubao, Quezon City:
          Lorimar Publishing.

Dizon, P.B., Fulgencio, A.B., Gregorio, J.A., Obias, P.H.R., Vendivel, R.A., & Gines, A.C. (2005). General   psychology: A textbook for college students. Mandaluyong City, Phil.: Omicron publishing.

Junn, E.N. & Broyatzis, C. edited (2004). Child growth and development, 13th ed. Connecticut: Dushkin/McGrawhill.
Kumar, M. (2004). Modern teaching of educational psychology. New Delhi, India: Anmol publishing Pvt. Ltd.

Pearson Education. (2010). Jerome Bruner and discovery learning. Pearson Prentice Hall. [Retrieved: November, 2011].

Plotnik, R. & Kouyoumdjian, H. (2009). Introduction to psychology. Phil ed. Singapore: Cengage Learning, Inc.

Rippel, M. (2011). The Matthew effect and teaching reading. Minerva WebWorks LLC. (2011). [Retrieved: November 06, 2011].

Spirit of Learning. (2009). Spiritual intelligence. [Retrieved: November, 2011].

Tria, E.G., Limpingco, D.A. & Jao, L. (2008). Psychology of learning. Quezon City: Ken, Inc.


  1. thanks alot sir, very helpful. God bless you more. sir pa post din po ng mga instructional materials in different subjects. thanks a head.
